Chromotope, The 19th century chromatic turn
Chromotope, The 19th century chromatic turn
Her research interests cover limning and limners in early modern England, the rendering of iridescence and lustre in early modern watercolour, as well as animal-made supports (vellum, wax, ivory) for small-scale portraiture in Elizabethan and Jacobean England.
In 2021-2022 she was awarded a short-term fellowship at the Maison Française d’Oxford to work on the poem and miniatures in George de la Mothe’s Hymn to Elizabeth I (Bodleian Library MS. Fr. E. 1), as well as a grant from the Institut Français de Stockholm to work with Cecilia Rönnerstam on the National museum’s collection of miniatures.
Anne-Valérie Dulac is VALE partner for the Chromotope project. She will co-organize with Charlotte Ribeyrol the Sorbonne closing conference of the project which will explore colour in literature.
“Fish in Watercolour: John White’s Lively Specimens”, RursuSpicae [online], 4 | 2022, URL : ;
“Les lucioles et le taon : John White et les aquarelles d’insectes”, entrée de catalogue in Alain Montandon (dir.), L’insecte dans tous ses états, Clermont-Ferrand : Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2022, 130-134.
“Miniatures in Translation: Words for a Gentle Art”, in Laetitia Sansonetti et Rémi Vuillemin (dir.) Language Commonality and Literary Communities, Turnhout, Brepols, 2022, 273-292.
“Amorous of their strokes: The Power of Lustre in Nicholas Hilliard’s Phoenix Portrait’ ‘of Elizabeth I (c. 1575)”, TIES 5 | 2021, Pouvoirs de l’image, affects et émotions,–amorous-of-their-strokes-the-power-of-lustre-in-nicholas-hilliard-s-phoenix-portrait-of-elizabeth-i-c-1575.
Co-ed with Céline Cachaud), “La miniature à l’époque moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) / Miniatures in the Modern Period (16th-18th c.)”, Études Épistémè n°36, 2019,