Just published: A special issue on 19th-century colour

Charlotte Ribeyrol is the guest editor of a special issue on colour in the journal Word and Image. 


Table of contents

‘The Changing colours of nineteenth-century art and literature’ (Charlotte Ribeyrol)

‘How to read color: writing, wallpaper, and the case of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’ (Nicholas Gaskill)

‘Symphonies in Black and Grey, Harmonies in Iron and Steel: Walter Pater Painting the French Wars of Religion in Gaston de Latour’ (Lene Østermark-Johansen)

‘The golden stain of time’: Remembering the colours of Amiens cathedral (Charlotte Ribeyrol)

‘Sister Arts: The Life of Colour and the Colour of Life in the Work of Alice Meynell and Elizabeth Butler’ (Hilary Fraser)

‘Vermilion: matière and what matters in Cézanne’s paintings’ (Paul Smith)

‘Colour matters in Balzac, from his beginnings to Séraphîta’ (Tim Farrant)


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